Thursday, April 24, 2014

With the early tuber formation potential

With the early tuber formation potential of cassava plant biomass can be as early as possible to form tubers, cassava tubers with Oreza Invite applications can be enabled from the 2-month-old plants, so the crop cassava has more opportunities to form tubers, in the form of leaves and stems appeal . With a maximum fertilization [1,5 tons Invite Oreza So BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA pack / Balanced NPK / ha] formed 150 tons of bio-period form [roots, tubers, stems and leaves of cassava] of this amount 75% of them are rich cassava tubers with high levels of aci .

Many establishment of cassava processing factories in Serdang make passionate farmers growing around it, in the village of Dolok Masihul precisely an area or cassava existing centers in Serdang Regency production produced but the farmers in the area are still not satisfactory because of the way or traditional still be planted so that the treatment and control of disease also be expensive.
The reality of course many also experienced in other areas so as to make the innovators like ISEI, PANSU and BBP2TP field making inroads Link namely cassava, this technology has developed and has been tested in other areas. Cassava is the result of grafting connection between the bulbous selected local cassava nice, long, high starchy cassava and rubber which has a dense leaf, width and leaf red mite attack resistant. This technology is followed by the use of organic fertilizers, wide spacing, cultivation will produce up to 120 tons of fresh tubers per hectare.
Intrigued by such methods or technologies Serdang regency government in cooperation with Bank Indonesia as the initiation test (pilot project) of 1000 meters in the Village District of Baja Rongge Dolok Masihul dilahan precisely belonging to the group in 2012 Sidodadi ago. The demonstration plots are also synergies between Bank Indonesia and the work program of technical agencies (the Food Security in North Sumatra Province) to increase the productivity of the dry land and increase farmers' income and to produce higher quality cassava products. So that the manufacturer can accept production reatif farmers at prices higher.
With hard work and continues to provide motivation to the members of the group until the group finally began to trust and believe to switch to using this connection technology because of tubers produced very long and large, each stem has an average weight of 30 to 50 kg, but it is evident from seed which have been produced solely by one of the administrators group, namely Imran and currently marketed to other farmers in the village of
Not satisfied with the result of the continued cassava, Imran also innovate to make their own flour mokaf production by utilizing tools provided by the Food Security and mokaf home support from Bank Indonesia.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Collembola są subklass z entognata który

Collembola są subklass z entognata który jest największym gromada stawonogów (Hopkin 1997). Collembola mają wielkość ciała między 00:25 i 8 mm (Suhardjono 1992), niektóre z nich mogą osiągnąć 10 mm (Greenslade 1996). Collembola zwane ogony Togel Singapura | Togel China | Togel Sydney | Togel Cambodia  sprężyny (skoczogony), ponieważ ma narzędzie zwane furkula pominąć lub Furka na czwartym segmencie brzusznej części brzusznej. Collembola się w świecie wokół 7500 gatunków z 581 rodzajów, są znane. Collembola w Indonezji istnieje 124 rodzajów, 225 gatunków, plus 52 gatunki nie są jeszcze być opisane (Greenslade i in. 2000). Collembola są bardzo dużej populacji, może osiągnąć 100 tysięcy m3 na ziemi lub milionów na hektar (Greenslade i wsp. 2000;. Triplehorn & Johnson 2005). Rola Collembola w ekosystemie nie może być ignorowane ze względu na bardzo dużą liczbę. Rola Collembola w łańcuchu żywnościowym, jak do rozkładu materii organicznej lub detritivor (Greenslade 1996 r.; Hopkin 1997 r.; Triplehorn & Johnson 2005). Dodatkowo Collembola szeroko stosowany jako biologiczny wskaźnik (wskaźniki biologiczne) lub monitorowania (kontrola) ekosystemu (Hopkin 1997; Saosa et al, 2004;. Migliorini 2005). Collembola, powszechnie znany jako organizmów żyjących w glebie i odgrywa ważną rolę w glebie do rozkładu materii organicznej. W ekosystemach rolniczych, Collembola znaleziono w obfitych ilościach. Collembola w rolniczych ekosystemach jest alternatywą paszy dla różnych rodzajów drapieżników (Greenslade et al. 2000). Collembola przyczynić w zachowywaniu drapieżniki stają się naturalnymi wrogami różnego rodzaju szkodników. Ta rola jest bardzo ważne zwłaszcza w niskiej gęstości zaludnienia szkodników owadzich, np. po zbiorze albo w okresie daniele (Ponge et al, 2003;. Kanału, 2004). Badania na skoczogonki i jej roli nie zostały wykonane w Indonezji. Czynniki, które prowadzą do braku badań, które jest mniej popularny Collembola Collembola, wynika między innymi, mniejszy rozmiar ciała, siedlisko w glebie, a rola ludzi, którzy nie są bezpośrednio postrzegane. W rezultacie stał się mniej znane Collembola różnorodność gatunków, siedlisk, dystrybutorach oraz właściwości biologiczne (Suhardjono 2006). Obszary raz Collembola zebrane w Indonezji są pewne miejsca w West Java, Jawa Środkowa, Wschodnia Jawa, Bali, Lombok, West Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes i Irian Barat (Suhardjono 2006). Obecność i liczebność Collembola w siedlisk i ekosystemów jest pod silnym wpływem czynników fizycznych i chemicznych gleby w ekosystemie w pytaniu. Czynniki fizyczno-chemiczne gleby obejmują temperaturę, kwasowość (pH), zawartości wody w glebie i zawartości organicznej gleby lub humusu (Jackson i surowe, 1970; Brown 1978.). W tym Togel Singapura | Togel China | Togel Sydney | Togel Cambodia  czasie bardzo mało informacji na temat jednego konkretnego Collembola Collembola zawarte w oleju palmowego plantacji w powiecie. Bajubang Prz. Jambi nie jest jeszcze wystarczające, zwłaszcza wpływ właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych, które wpływają kergaman i poziom zaludnienia, w związku z tym prowadzone badania w zakresie identyfikacji skoczogonki i ich wpływ na zmiany klimatyczne Collembola w plantacji w powiecie. Bajubang Prz. Jambi.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I keep it well until I meet someone who is also very far from pretty

I keep it well until I meet someone who is also very far Pulau Pari from pretty . He binaanku . Small traders are diligent and hardworking . Her son had 2 . He married a younger age than my age when I got married . Qo can ? Whereas if use priorities , I still passable his face . Jeez ... opo yooo ... But he's married and already had two children anyway . Hmm .... Ko Aa Gym said , matchmaking is affair of Allah . Do not be a target face , but weve not time wrote. If it 's time , which has been recorded in the Lawh mahfuz , I'm also meeting his best option .
I also pray in every last prostration . Because at the time of prostration , we are very close to Allah . So when the nearest berdo'alah it . Do'aku only one , " let me get married this year . " Over the past year I pray like that . And at last I ventured to submit themselves to the teacher ngajiku . I declared ready to be introduced to both brothers and Allah willing, ready to marry him .
It was not until six months , I received a bio of the teacher . It was the middle of Ramadan in the year 2009 . I think it was in October . After Eid Eid , I was met by my teacher , my master teacher at home . Questions and answers modest , because I was confused when asked what it was . I is not know , not like as well . Aja .
About a month later , the brothers send news via email , would like to know my family . And it should be in cc email to his teacher and his teacher of the brothers . So it should not be an email - emailan both . When the brothers have added my ym too , I should not be to approve by my master teacher . And when the brothers going to the house to get acquainted with my family , I should not be in the house by my master teacher . I was at that time still in doubt want to continue or not , of course, follow that advice . A week later I was asked to go home, get to know his family . He also was not there when I get there . I love her family . As is well known close to me. ^ _ ^ '
On the second occasion , the brothers came back
Wisata Pulau Pari  to my house with his mother . I have the task of covering the activities futsal children at that time , so was not at home as well . But by the time I got home , they were still there at home .
17th January 2010 , he mengkhitbahku and we were married on March 14th of that year . Although the contract until the evening , I still have not got the 'feel' anything to him , but after the ceremony , " really like lamaaa really already know . " And that's when I started to fall in love . Menikahnya without love , the process is 6 months , but thereafter deh yaaa .... Falling in love . Third fall in love ya . ^ _ ^ '